英语常用的句型有 5
种,但简单来说就 2
种(3rd, 4th)
- S+V (subject + intransitive verb)
- S+V+O (subject + transitive verb + object)
S+V+C (subject + verb + complement)
S+V+O+C (subject + verb + object + complement)
- S+V+O+O (subject + verb + object + object)
及物与不及物区分 S+V / S+V+O
表达为是的连缀动词需要补语,即 S+V+C, 特别的 S+V+O+[连缀动词]+C 可以用连缀动词来表达 O “是” C
而 S+V+O+O 明显不能
表达 O “是” O
- Jone Smith died in World War Two.
died 这动作可以独立发生,不牵涉到别的人或者物(不及物)
- John Smith killed three enemy soldiers.
kill 这种动作不可以独立发生,必须有宾语
Jone Smith was a soldier.
The soup is too hot. 解释为”是“的 be 动词(连缀动词),没有叙述能力,只能扮演引导的角色,补足句子使它获得完整的意思,。并且在某些句子中不需要翻译。称带有这种动词的句子为主动补结构,“补语”是在“是”后面的词,通常为名词与形容词。 另外以下词也是连缀动词
look (看起来是)
seem (似乎是)
appear (显得是)
sound (听起来是)
feel (摸起来是)
taste (尝起来是)
trun (转变为)
prove (证实为)
become (成为)
make (做为)
- I find the dress pretty.
- John’s father called him a dog.
宾语 the dress 和补语之间虽然没有“是”,可但有这种暗示存在。如果加上 be 动词,the dress is pretty. (OK)
所以检验 S+V+O+C 句型最简便方法:把宾语和补语拿出来,中间加be动词,看能不能改成S+V+C
- John’s father gave hime a dog.
give 动词有两个宾语,一个是给的对象,一个是给的东西。并且两者并不相等,所以并不是补语的关系,所以两个都是宾语 但句子 John’s father called him a dog. him and a dog 可以在语义上是等价的,所以是一宾一补:)
- 没有补语的 be 动词,翻译为存在( I think, therefore I am) (To be or not to be, that is the question)